Blue Bonnets

Solo step dance recorded from oral tradition in several parts of Scotland.

The dance as performed on South Uist was originally taught by Ewan MacLachlan in the mid-nineteenth century

Known to have been taught by the following dancing masters:

Donald (Roidein) MacDonald – of South Uist
John MacMillan  of South Uist
Archie MacPherson – of South Uist

The most complete notation for the dance was obtained from
John MacLeod who had learned the dance from Archie MacPherson and was able to demonstrate 7 steps – see from an interview by Tom Flett with John MacLeod on 12/4/1953. and a notation by Tom Flett marked Eochar 1953 and what appears to be a draft of the same.

Further steps were collected from:

Harriet MacDonald and her mother – six steps – a version of the dance from interviews by Tom Flett in September 1954 marked “Harriet and Mrs MacDonald” and a collated version of the dame date.

Cissie MacDonald – brief notes of two steps – from Tom Flett ‘s notes September 1954 marked “Cissie MacD”.

Angus O’Henley who had learned the steps by watching other dancers -one step – see an interview by Frank Rhodes with Angus O’Henley on 11/7/1956.

Donald Walker (under the name Scotch Blue Bonnets) who had learned from Donald (Roidein) MacDonald – 5 steps – see an interview by Frank Rhodes with Donald Walker on 7/7/1956.

A further version of the dance comes from the dancing of Forfar dancing master James Neill. A full notation for the dance was collected by
Tom Flett from Griselda MacFarlane on 4-5/4/1959.

Descriptions of both versions are published in Flett, J.F. & T.M., Traditional Step Dancing in Scotland, Edinburgh: Scottish Cultural Press. 1996, 77-82, 131-134.