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The first member of the Sherry family to have danced, is, insofar as we are aware, was James Bernard Sherry. Originally a shipyard worker in Glasgow in the late nineteenth century he was keen to become a music hall performer, which he eventually did under the stage name of Dan Conroy. He had taught himself to clog dance by watching others on the stage, but his real talent was as a singer. He became well-known and even at one point toured Australia.
He married and settled down in Costock, Nottinghamshire. He had a large family of nine children. all of whom became involved in theatre to a greater or lesser degree and who performed under various names featuring different combinations of family members. Form a clog dance point of view it was his youngest son, Sam Sherry who, after retiring from the stage found an outlet for his dancing as part of the folk revival.

James Bernard Sherry (Dan Conroy)
Born in 1866 to a family from Edinburgh, Scotland, James Sherry became a successful music hall performer whose children all, to some degree, also appeared on the stage.

Daniel Conroy Sherry
Born in 1897, the first child of James Bernard Sherry. He began performing with his father when he was about 13. He continued as a solo artiste after WW1, sing, dancing and playing the piano before teaming up with his younger siblings in varioous combinations.

Harry "Adge" Bradley Sherry
Born in 1898, the second child of James Bernard Sherry. He began performing with his elder brother Dan before 1914 and, after WW1 teamed up with his brothers and The Five Sherry Brothers.

James "Jim" Bernard Sherry jnr.
Born in 1900. Credited with being the best dancer in the family, after performing with his father at a young age, he joined the family performance troupe in 1920.

Alice Louise "Laline" Sherry
Born in 1901. Like many of her family she began working with her father but soon teamed up with her sisters as "The Sherina Sisters". A talented violinist she could also dance.

Daisy Mary Sherry
Perhaps the least known of the family, she performed as part of the "Sherina Sisters", perhaps mainly as a singer.

Louise Blanche "Ouida" Sherry
Sixth child of James Sherry, she too worked for many years with her sisters as part of The Sherins Sisters". Interestingly Ouida's speciality ws a a "bender" or contortionist although she was also a violinist and a trained ballet dancer.

Bessy Violet Sherry
She performed with her two sisters as part of a trio called "The Sherina Sisters"., like Daisy perhaps mainly as a singer.

Peter Bijou Sherry
Born in 1910, he was the eigth member of the family. By the time he was born some of his brothers were already established performers. He formed a double act with his brother Sam in 1925, later joining his other brothers in the Five Sherry Brothers. He continued to perform with Sam until 1956.

Samuel "Sam" John Sherry
The youngest of James Sherry's children Sam was an excellent Violinist, acrobat and of course clog dancer. After retiring for professional performing in 1956 he was "rediscovered" in the 1970s and became a stalwart of the folk revival until his death in XXX

Sherry Family Acts
From the earliest days, members of the Sherry family have teamed up in different combinations at different times in their long performing careers. Explore their acts here.