Northumberland and Durham Championship – Durham 1936

Held in the Palace Theatre, Durham in September 1936, the final taking place on Friday 11th September.  The judges were Dickie Farrell, Harry Robinson and George Mackintosh.

Results were:
1st Place – Joe Da(i)ley
nd Place – Warren Doyle
3rd Place – Priscilla Spencer
4th Place – Jack Astor
5th Place – Ivy Sands – as Ivy Anderson

Also competing were Jimmy Ellwood and  Herbert Turner.  Ivy beat the latter in the first round.

Information derived from an interview with Ivy Sands on 18/10/1980 and 19/1/1981 although the actual date of the competition was given by her as 1935 and Peter Dailey on 10/2/1981 and the Durham Chronicle for 18/9/1936.