Lakeland Style Clog and Step Dancing

Our knowledge of this type of dance comes almost exclusively from the collecting of J.F. & T.M. Flett.  A copy of their collection is available and can be accessed here.  The results of their researches have been published as J.F. & T.M. Flett, Traditional Step Dancing in Lakeland, London: EFDSS, (1979), 104pp.

Prior to the publication of the above book in 1979, it was the custom amongst revival dancers to refer to the styler as “Westmorland” as this was the name frequently used by the Fletts when teaching.  Accordingly many references within this site use that appellation.

In practice, many of the Flett’s informants came from what used to be North Lancashire (now, like the county of Westmorland part of the modern county of Cumbria) and in the area nortwards, frequently referred to as the Lake District.  It is perhaps because of this overlap that the phrase “Lakeland Clog” came to be preferred.

The Fletts on the whole collected from dancing masters and their pupils, mostly traceable back to the Robinson family which perhaps accouts for the hogenious style, steps usually only being performed off the left foot and with a substantial degree of out-turn of the feet and legs.  The steps were also used in the local three hand, five hand and eight hand reels.

In practice, although usually danced in clogs by revival dancers, traditionally any steps were danced in hard shoes, particularly in the reels.

Published material can be found listed on the Bibliography page under “Lakeland”.

The clip shows Ian Dunmur of the Reading Step and Traditional Dance Group dancing a selection of Lakeland steps.